Collin Horomba

Site - Plan

Target Audience

The target market are businesses and professionals that operate in my community. There is not much going on in terms of networking among businesses and professionals, through this localized chamber of commerce, they can be able to to use this platform to network.

Persona 1: Business Owner

a local business profile picture.

Name: Lucas Phinda

Job Title: Baker & Chef


  • Married
  • 59 Years Old
  • 3 Children
  • Devoted Christian

  • Tasks: He spends most of his time developing his business and mentoring the upcoming entrepenuers.
    Environmrnt: He has a basic knowledge on how to use technology, loves learning, though he prefers phone calls to text messeges.

    Quote: "Be brave in getting better."

    Persona 2: Business Owner

    a boiler maker image welding steel pipes.

    Name: David Lloyd

    Job Title: Boiler Maker


  • Married
  • 47 Years Old
  • 4 Children
  • Politician

  • Tasks: Despite him being a boiler maker, he embraces the use of technology in growing business. He enjoys uniting business owners and discuss economics.
    Environmrnt: He is opinionated, belives in good business ethics, growth minded and he has an eye of spotting opportunities.

    Quote: "With brains, you will never go hungry..."